Rarely, do I proffer the comment to people, "you're someone I'd like to be" with any sincerity... there are a few people though (My Brother, Jason Pelt, Colby Garman) but most recently added to the list is My good friend and brother in christ, D.C. Washington... As a mentor, he contiually brings me back to reality in the work place.... below is an e-mail that he sent me at work... it blew my mind.... Thanks D.C.
Got this from a friend today:
Below is a brief excerpt from a college friend's blog. He and his familywere staying in Ronald McDonald House in Houston while his (unborn) baby was getting some serious treatments. His observation below blew me away: There are sick kids of all stripes here: chubby-cheeked kids with, I guess, renal problems; bald-headed, gaunt kids fighting cancers; surgical-masked kids trying to elude allergens and bacteria to give their immune systems, compromised by powerful medications, as much fortitude to sustain the fight against whatever's trying to best their young, frail bodies. These kids' origins are as varied as their sicknesses. In a given day here, you'll hear Spanish, Arabic, and Vietnamese. Yesterday Christy met a couple from Panama whose mentally-handicapped son will have them here for another several months while he under goes treatment. They push him around in a wheelchair, and on two occasions I've heard them sing to him an operaticaria (whose title escapes me, but I'm sure you'd all recognize if you heard it). They sing to calm him, to love him. I've not seen a more gripping picture of love here than that: lavishing what is true and beautiful upon one whom they love so intensely but who can receive only the slightest sense of that intensity. Is that not the Father's love to us in the Cross: so intense (so amazing, so divine), yet so weakly grasped...