Tuesday, May 27, 2008

June 21st Mission Trip fundraiser

Most of you know, several people from my church are going on a missions trip to Indonesia. I can't go for two reasons, 1) I can't get off of work and 2) don't really feel called to go. I will, however, make every effort to support those proliferating the gospel. on the 21st of June, we will be doing another Playing in the Streets (PITS) to raise money for these people. The monies raised will provide assistance to those going overseas. Please come support this event, and CLINT CLIFTON.... I'm calling you out... I expect you to play.


Lindsey Olson said...

why do all fun things happen when i am out of town?? will it be a day-time or evening gig?

Kristen said...

JPB I want you to know I was thinking of graphics for PITS; i was especially inspired by the photographic talent of Linz Q and Kevin D. I don't know if you happen to have a slogan/purpose statement you'd want associated with it...perhaps i can crank out something before June 21...if you like :)