Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Being Jason Pelt

Do you remember the peanuts cartoons where you see Lucy at the lemonade stand and she has a random "The (insert profession here) is in" and the charge of 5 cents. occasionally, i feel like her... but i don't charge 5 cents. I find myself being sought after for random advice on things i know very little about... what does this have to do with Jason Pelt? my most recent string of advice advocates have been asking me legal questions (mostly divorce questions so I may not know the answer, but i do know the process). I can't help but feel useful when someone asks me advice that can effect their whole life... and to be correct is even better. Maybe after i shoot some movies and play in a triple platinum record band, I'll take up law... and the pipe dream factory is working over time!


D. C. said...

And who is Jason Pelt?

Pelt Family said...

Obviously my fame is limited to the Stafford area?

D. C. said...

AHHHHH that Jason Pelt....how could I forget!!!