Friday, July 11, 2008

The efficiency of the Internet

I'm a big fan of nostalgic stuff... I still shave with mug soap, brush and "Safety razor", I like wearing a suit, and hats with those suits, I really like listening to old radio programs (like Six Shooter, Superman, and The Whistler). I guess in my mind it's like 1948... The thing that astounds me most is the Internet... It has morphed our culture so much that there are now things you actually can't do without it. When the Internet first came about only a select few technical gurus could operate it. Then the World Wide Web (WWW) hit the street and made it a little more user friendly... you could do some basic research and read certain postings. now there isn't too much you can't do without it. Your reading this blog, Because of the Internet... I paid my bills today, on the Internet... I signed up for school so I can get my Bachelors Degree, You guessed it, on the Internet... I even ORDERED A PIZZA for dinner tonight, I didn't call it in, I ordered it... ON THE INTERNET. Yes the Internet is truly a great tool, but it comes with a price, besides your monthly bill. You are constantly "Connected" to everything and everyone at all times. they even have little green bubbles by your name to let people know you are online. a healthy balance of this to can give a dynamic to your relationships, business, and life, but don't let it's joys consume you, before you become a basement dwelling stunt double for Michael Moore.

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