Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Debbie Boone said it best...

I was taking Sydney over to target to buy her some "pet shops" as she calls them... "Thanks Tori"... and on the way over there, she hits me with a plethora of funny things... starting with, "dad, did you know that when the light is red, that means we have to stop..." and then she is telling me that green means we can go, if it is safe... what two year old says, if it's safe... by the time we reached target she noticed a CD that I had playing... she says, "Dad, is that Motown on the radio?" It made me laugh as i answered, "yes it is". she then said, "I thought so, that tambourine sounded familiar" where did she get all these funny things from? not to quote Debbie Boone, But she lights up my life!!!

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