Monday, May 19, 2008

I don't really know my percussion insruments...

This is just flat hilarious to me… I like to think that I operate under the logic, "If I don’t know something, I keep my mouth shut.” Granted, I don’t always apply that, It’s funny to me when someone else doesn’t either. This morning, I was coming in and since it was going to be rather warm, I thought it would be best to bring in my brother’s guitar I had in the trunk of the car. I was getting on the elevator with one of my co-workers and he said, “What is that a violin?” I kind of laughed to myself and informed him that it was a guitar. I started to explain to him the differences (size, strings, frets) and he cuts me off and interjects, “Yeah, I’m not really that good with my percussion instruments.” I just laughed hysterically right in his face... WOW!

1 comment:

Josh and Jadey said...

Wow!! That is absolutely amazing.. Playing Violin for five years makes that all the more funny. I mean he could have at least said a cello!
