Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Mom said "Don't play in the street"

On Friday, we are gonna violate that rule... Starting about 6p.m. a group of people (Bobby-O, Keilan, Joshua, Ben, Todd, Etc.) and I are gonna kick off the first annual "playing in the street" campaign. The purpose of this is to get as many people as possible to come and support, all musicians welcome. We will "tour" downtown Fredericksburg and promote the local music industry. We are going to start on Caroline street and start playing, no real itinerary, and see how it goes. The beauty of this is if we are asked to leave, we can just move down the street and start again... This should prove to be fun... I am hoping to partner with Josh and use this "playing in the street" method to promote the songwriters guild he has established. If you are interested in participating, or just coming along for the fun... we will meet in the visitor center parking lot (on Caroline st) at 6 and just go from there. Additionally, I can't help but think that this can be used as a ministry opportunity. If turn out is good (more than me), we could really use this to witness to our local area. Just a thought, hope to see you there!!!

1 comment:

Lindsey Olson said...

hmmmmm...it is such a good idea...
i will have to check with the fam and see if we can work it out. we are def exceeding our "trips to the burg" limit this week. but it might be worth it :)